The inaugural session of our Act 45 course Using Human-Centered Design (HCD) to Support Student Growth & Achievement is getting excellent reviews as educators enter the home stretch of their work. Participants report both enjoying the course and also reaping benefits from learning among peers.
New Kensington-Arnold School District Superintendent Chris Sefcheck, Ed.D., for example, said he’s appreciated not only the talent Consortium staff bring to the work, but also “the brainpower in the room.”
Written feedback from other participants indicated they believe the course offers “a good balance of instruction and activity” and said they found the sessions “enjoyable.”
Launched in February, the Act 45 course is designed to help administrators and other educators draw relevant stakeholders into decision-making, a fundamental principle of HCD, and provide a toolkit of methods for gathering and sorting information, prioritizing findings, and using those findings to identify solutions and build consensus around them.
For those who missed the spring course, there’s a summer cohort coming up, beginning June 18. A total of five in-person sessions will take place at the Consortium’s offices. Asynchronous tools for further learning and completing job-embedded assignments are included to ensure that what happens in class translates into practice in participants’ districts and schools. Register online at Eventbrite.